Top Ten common habits that can damage our kidneys

Habits that damage kidney

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, located against the back muscles in the upper abdominal cavity just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine. The kidneys detoxify the blood and aid the body in filtering out waste products through urine.
Another primary function of the kidneys is to remove excess water from the body. They also help retain water when the body needs more.
Moreover, the kidneys help regulate the levels of minerals like calcium and phosphate in the body. They also produce important hormones that help regulate body functions like blood pressure and making of red blood cells to carry oxygen and important nutrients throughout the body.
To stay healthy, it is essential to keep the kidneys functioning properly. Some common symptoms that can indicate kidney problems are a change in color and quantity of your urine, dizziness, vomiting, anemia, breathing issues, feeling cold most of the time, tiredness or fatigue, itchy skin, bad breath and sudden pain in the body.
If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your doctor to rule out the possibility of kidney disease.
There are many reasons behind kidney problems. However, many habits that people adopt can also cause huge damage to their kidneys.

1. Not Emptying Your Bladder Timely

Maintaining a full bladder for a long time or delaying the urge to urinate is one of the main reasons behind kidney damage.
When urine remains in the bladder for a long time, it can cause the bacteria breeding in urine to multiply. In turn, these harmful bacteria can cause a urinary tract infection or kidney infection. Moreover, retaining urine increases pressure on the kidneys and can lead to renal failure and incontinence.
If you habitually delay responding to the call of nature, it’s time to rectify it for the benefit of your kidneys. No matter how busy you are, listen to the nature call signals and follow them.

2. Insufficient Water Intake

Not drinking an ample amount of water can also cause huge damage to your kidneys. The main function of the kidneys is to flush out metabolic waste from the body and regulate erythrocyte production.
When the body lacks sufficient water, there is less blood flow to the kidneys because the blood becomes concentrated. This hampers the kidneys’ ability to eliminate toxins from the body, and more toxins in the body means more health problems.
According to the National Kidney Foundation, a healthy adult must drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of fluid daily to keep the kidneys healthy and the body well hydrated. However, keep in mind that drinking too much water can also be hard on your kidneys. So, do not overdo it.

3. High Salt Consumption

Regularly eating too much salt can also cause huge damage to your kidneys as well as other health problems. The kidneys metabolize 95 percent of the sodium consumed through food.
When salt intake is high, the kidneys need to work harder to excrete the excess salt. This in turn can lead to decreased kidney functioning, causing water retention in the body. Water retention can cause a hike in blood pressure and increase the risk of developing kidney disease.
Studies have also shown that salt intake increases the amount of urinary protein, one of the major risk factors for developing kidney disease.
The recommended amount of salt is no more than 5 grams a day. More than this amount is harmful for your kidneys as well as your overall health. 1 teaspoon of salt is about 6 grams.

4. Regular Use of Analgesics

Many of us have the habit of taking analgesics (over-the-counter painkillers) to control pain and reduce fever and inflammation. But this can damage different body organs, including the kidneys.
Research shows that analgesics may reduce blood flow to the kidneys and deteriorate kidney functioning. Moreover, heavy or long-term use of over-the-counter analgesics can cause acute renal failure or chronic kidney disease known as chronic interstitial nephritis.
If you have decreased kidney function, do not take painkillers without asking your doctor. Even with normal kidney function, analgesics should be used as directed, at the lowest dose possible and for the shortest time.

5. High Protein Diet

Protein is good for your health, but excessive consumption of red meat and other protein-based foods can increase the risk of developing kidney disease.
One of the roles of the kidneys is to metabolize and excrete nitrogen by products from protein digestion. High protein intake increases the metabolic load of the kidneys by chronically increasing glomerular pressure and hyperfiltration. This in turn increases the risk of kidney problems.
So, limit your intake of red meat for the overall health of your kidneys. Moreover, those who have kidney problems must avoid eating red meat as it can worsen the condition.

6. Drinking Excessive Alcohol

Drinking in moderation is fine, but excessive drinking can cause significant damage to your kidneys. Alcohol is a toxin that puts a lot of stress on your kidneys and liver.
When you drink alcoholic beverages in high amounts, it causes uric acid to be deposited in renal tubules, leading to tubular obstruction. This in turn increases the risk of kidney failure. Moreover, alcohol causes dehydration and disrupts the normal functioning of the kidneys.
If you like to drink, then do it in moderation. A healthy amount is generally considered 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women and older people.


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